Sharing Hope
Co-creating understandings of what gives young people hope

This Collaborative Trust project investigated what gives young people hope and how hope can be fostered. The study recruited young people to be participant researchers and co-create a qualitative pilot study using Participatory Action Research methods. The project enabled an exploration of young people’s understandings of hope and how these can be used to inform and support the healthy development of young people.
Summary of the Results
Our youth-led research, with the generous support from The Oakley Foundation, explored the concept of hope, what it means for rangatahi, what builds feelings of hope, and what gets in the way of feeling hopeful. We asked young people how we can help them feel more hopeful.
Young people do better in life when they feel a sense of hope – when they have a future focus and faith in their future and that of the people close to them, the wider community, or their environment. Hope motivates and gives rangatahi a sense of purpose.
It is easier for rangatahi to feel a sense of hope when they:
Have access to the financial resources and opportunities needed to support their hopes
Are aware of their mental and physical health and understand the needs of their hauora / wellbeing
Have supportive whānau and friends around them who accept them for who they are
Feel good about themselves
Have access to the practical and emotional supports they need in order to thrive
It's much trickier for rangatahi to feel a sense of hope when:
Poverty is a big part of their journey
Opportunities are limited
People judge them and decide things about them and what they are capable of based on their ethnicity, disability, gender, sexuality, age, faith etc
People close to them try to control them
They face mental and physical health challenges and its hard to access supports to overcome these
They don’t believe in themselves
They lack influence and feelings of power to be able to change things for the better
What we can do to support rangatahi to feel more hopeful
In their own words:
What rangatahi can do for themselves and other rangatahi to feel more hopeful
Ma wai i ora ai?
Whaia te whakaohoho - Find ways to experience and express joy – do things that inspire you and others
Manaakitanga - Practice acts of kindness and generosity, and take notice of the kindness you receive from others
He kai kei aku ringa - Be mindful of your skills and strengths and the part these things can play in your future and the future of others
Aroha mai, aroha atu - Practise being the friend to others that you need for yourself – listen, encourage, play and laugh together
Ko wai ou kaiarahi?
Spend time with the role models in your whānau and your community who believe in you, and encourage your friends to spend time with their own role models
Make your voice heard about things that you are passionate about
Ka mate kainga tahi, ka ora kainga rua