Research and evaluation focused on youth health and development


Qualitative Researcher

Senior Research Fellow
Sue Bagshaw (BSc (Hons) MB BS FAChSHM Hon FRNZCGP CNZM) works as a primary care doctor specialising in adolescent health at a one stop community youth health centre for 10-25 year olds, which she helped to set up, under a new Trust called Korowai Youth Wellbeing Trust.
She is a part time senior lecturer in adolescent health in the department of Paediatrics at the Christchurch School of Medicine.
Sue spent 20 years working for the Family Planning Association in Christchurch and ten years working part time on the Methadone programme in Christchurch.
Sarah Wylie (MA (hons) - psychology, she/her) began her career as a researcher and research analyst in central government departments before becoming a freelance social researcher and evaluator. She is primarily a qualitative researcher. Sarah has contracted to The Collaborative Trust since 2014 on a wide range of projects including the qualitative component of The Classification Office's Growing Up With Porn research (Project Lead), Ngā Haerenga for Oranga Tamariki - a longitudinal study following rangatahi as they transition out of care, the Hope research project (Project Lead) and Outcomes Framework development for Cholmondeley. Most recently, Sarah has been undertaking research on Workforce Development: School Based Health Service, for Te Whatu Ora. Sarah has extensive experience undertaking research and evaluation for a wide range of not-for-profits, for local government and for central government.
Jane Higgins is a sociologist who has worked with a wide range of groups including government agencies, NGOs, community development organisations, youth organisations and leadership training teams. She is the co-author of The Children of Rogernomics: A neoliberal generation leaves school (Otago University Press, 2012) and has written numerous research based articles on young people in transition from school to post-school worlds. She is also the author of three young adult novels, The Bridge, Havoc and Glimpse (Text, Melbourne). She is project lead for the evaluation ‘A Place to Call Home’ funded by the Wayne Francis Trust, looking at the impact of placing a community development worker in a social housing complex. She also works as a strategic advisor for the Christchurch Methodist Mission.

Quantitative Researcher

Psychologist & Researcher

Qualitative Researcher
Nicola Morton (PhD) is currently working as a post-doctoral researcher and part-time lecturer in psychology at the University of Canterbury. Prior to this, she spent five years at Statistics New Zealand working as a survey developer and data analyst, and for a Wellington-based research consultancy firm.
Primarily a quantitative researcher, Nicola has worked on a wide range of evaluation and data projects in the public policy and non-profit sectors.
She's also a dab hand at infographics, and is passionate about reporting data in more accessible and interesting ways.
Sharon Gardner (MA Clinical Psychology) is an experienced researcher having worked in academic and community research including working with children and young people.
Sharon moved to New Zealand in 2014 from India and has worked in medical research in particular meta-analyses with a strong focus on qualitative data at the University of Otago.
She has international experience working as a psychologist and researcher conducting psychological tests and managing research projects. She has extensive experience in data management and analysis and experience in conducting qualitative interviews.
Cheyenne Scown (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whātua ki Kaipara, Ngāi Te Rangi) is working towards a PhD in Psychology at The University of Canterbury. The focus of her PhD is a trauma-informed mental health intervention in Waitaha | Canterbury, specifically exploring the support it provides to tamariki Māori and their whānau. Her academic background is in Psychology, Human Development and Child and Family Psychology and she has worked with children and young people in past roles for Stand Children’s Services and Oranga Tamariki. She is currently involved with qualitative research projects for The Collaborative Trust which have an evaluative component. Her research interests centre around improving outcomes for tamariki Māori, rangatahi Māori and their whānau.

Quantitative Researcher

Research Associate

Education Researcher
Janet Spittlehouse (PhD) Janet has 17 years experience, mainly as a quantitative researcher, in both the UK and New Zealand. She also has experience in qualitative research. Janet gained her PhD from the University of Otago in 2017 and she continues her research there as a Research Fellow and Principal Investigator for a depression study, working with data from the Christchurch Health and Development Study. Janet’s research interests are mental health, wellbeing, sexual minority health and well-being, hoarding disorder, depression and personality.
Candace Bobier (BA hons, MSc) is originally from New York State, USA.
Candace trained in Health Psychology at City University London and has worked within the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) as a Research Associate since 1999 predominantly in the Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health Service.
She has been involved in a number of research projects with the CDHB, Clarity Research and The Collaborative Trust.
Louise Tapper (PhD) is primarily an education researcher, with a specialisation in gifted and talented education. She is an experienced teacher educator and parent educator. Her research interests are around themes relating to culture and context, social justice, and the development of adolescent identity. Louise is a qualitative researcher, with experience in phenomenology as a research method and theory, in the interview process as a strategy of inquiry, and in including student voice in the research process. Louise also has experience as an oral historian.

Qualitative Researcher
Over the past 20 years Sarah has worked as a self-employed qualitative community researcher and evaluator.
Her work has largely involved social research and evaluation projects in the community sector.
In 2018 Sarah completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Social Sector Evaluation Research through Massey University, with a focus on the evaluation of Community Development and Youth Development organisations.